Thursday, March 31, 2016

Welcome to The Impulse Grocer!

Lucky you, you found my blog! You are now blessed for the next 12 hours.

Since this is the *first post*, this is will tell you what this blog is about - and introduce you to my writing style. This might also come in handy once I become famous, which will more or less happen within the next five years, so keep tabs on me.

As for the blog description, here it goes: The Impulse Grocer chronicles my life as a victim of supermarket science. Basically, I would blog about whatever product I accidentally buy on a routine (or impulse) trip to the supermarket - or ,you know, anywhere else - and how these purchases affect my life positively or adversely. Aside from that, I plan to periodically post restaurant and other product reviews should I feel to do so.

I'm still thinking of how I would write posts up - as in how the flow of my writing, or how I would go about reviewing something. So understand that my first few posts are all works in progress. Also keep in mind that I am a student with limited income. By that I mean I can't spend all of my weekly allowance on weird products that happen to find themselves in my shopping cart by the time I get to the checkout counter. May control pa rin naman ako kahit konti.

So while I go write up my actual first post, please take the time to bookmark my blog. I think you'd pick up some good information one way or another. Also, as I may have said - I might be famous one day - so it's very wise to read early on before the others catch up.