Monday, September 18, 2017

The Impulse Grocer Is Back!

The wait is over. The world's best* impulse-fueled blog is now officially back in business after a 15-month hiatus. You've probably wondered about a lot of things over those 15 months: What happened to The Impulse Grocer? Will we see more of the super fun content? Kapag ang light ay ilaw, ano naman ang lightning? The little FAQ section after the jump would probably address all of your questions.

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Q: What happened to The Impulse Grocer?
A: High tide or low tide? Charot! I published my last blog entry mid-2016 and I was probably drowning in schoolwork so I wasn't able to squeeze in the time to drift aimlessly in supermarket aisles to go look for things to write about. I might have gone broke too, since I buy most of the stuff I review using my allowance - and I had to cut spending for the blog after I almost couldn't afford my bus ticket home.

Q: Did anything interesting happen to you over the last 15 months?
A: I actually (and finally) finished school by the end of July 2017 and that's pretty big news. I also tried vlogging (waw raket pa more!) when I was on a 5-day field trip across the northern provinces of the country - but that didn't really take off.

Q: What are you up to now?
A: Since I've been in school for almost two decades straight, I wanted to give myself a break. I decided to skip the September Mechanical Engineering Board Exam and opt to take the March 2018 one. And since my family and I recently moved back to our old house, there's a lot of cleaning, organizing, and redecorating to do and that's what's keeping me occupied.

Q: What made you continue writing for The Impulse Grocer?
A: Aside from my loyal readers 😉 (chz), I actually just wanted to write more since I literally have all the time in the world. I also figured that continuing the blog would be a really nice way to get my brain working again.

I'm actually super excited to go on and write new content for the blog! I also really need something to do habang #funemployed pa ako.

If the FAQ section above didn;t quite hit the spot for you, hit me up with a question in the comments section below!! Or, you know, just say hi! Here's to another shot at The Impulse Grocer! Nawa'y ikasikat ko na 'to the second time around. ✌️

*based off a survey on the people beside me as I wrote this post

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