Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk Review

Well-educated, wealthy, liberal, and probably the only country you can think of that starts with the letter "D" (okay, Djibouti. Whatever nerds!), Denmark is basically utopia with vikings. But could the country that invented LEGO® also bless us with the world's best chocolate milk? Find out more about Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk and what I think about it after the jump!

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I've been eyeing bottles of Cocio (pronounced coke-ee-oh, if you're wondering) for quite a while now. But since its Philippine release September last year, I've dismissed the idea of actually buying because I was either super broke, or because I went to Starbucks instead *suddenly remembers why I went broke* My wallet has since recovered from last year's financial crisis and I finally have my hands on a bottle of Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk - months before this year's inevitable personal economic collapse.

Cocio swears by three quality ingredients: Cocoa, milk, and sugar. Nothing else. Not even love. lol Seriously, though, this is the same recipe its inventor Anker Pallesen whipped up in 1951. Don't you find it especially hard to hate the Cocio bottle? Just looking at it seems to assure you that you are in for a treat - or not, I don't control your life. Retro labels adorn the bottle, giving the product an honest-to-goodness, 100% homemade feel even if it's 99% probably made in a factory.

It says on the label that the cocoa they use in production is UTZ certified. I took the liberty of googling what that means for you guys and, to put it simply, the more UTZ products you buy, the more cocoa farmers you get to help. They didn't tell much about the milk and sugar, though. Probably because they're the stuff that make you fat. It's also worth noting that every bottle of Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk (which happens to be available in Dark Chocolate, too) has no additives to keep everything well-mixed. That explains the chocolate settling at the bottom.

Please shake the bottle well - really well - before serving. It took me about a minute's worth of shaking to achieve that fantastic shade of brown you see at the pair of pictures directly above this. Try shaking the bottle upside-down so you can see if you've completely shaken off all the chocolate that settled at the bottom. And please resist the urge to drink it if it's not yet cold enough. Cocio recommends that its chocolate milk be consumed ice-cold. Share lang, I popped mine in the fridge overnight.

Believe me when I tell you that this bottle of chocolate milk is no joke. After the glorious first sip, you are convinced that there's got to be more stuff in this than just cocoa, milk, and sugar. You look at the label frantically for answers, coming up with nothing - helpless - as your body instinctively picks up the bottle and readies you for a second gulp.

How did Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk fare?

On a scale of NO REGRETS (0) to REGRET PA MORE (10), this product scored -2Iba 'to. May utang na loob pa ako sa produkto na 'to. Although it was no surprise that it blew the competition out of the water, I feel super guilty that it took me this long to try it for the first time.

On a scale of LUGI KA PA (0) to TOTALLY WORTH IT (10), this product scored 9. Sulit 'to. Cross my heart, hope to die. Mahal nga lang. Although it costs almost twice as much as the local offerings, it's one of the few products out there that will make you feel where your money went - down your throat in some form of liquid gold. Had it been priced 15 to 20 pesos lower, this would be a sulit-to-the-bones 10/10.

You guys have got to try Cocio Classic Chocolate MilkHipster bottle? Check! Delicious chocolate milk? Check! Promise of immortality? 'di ko sure. So unless you're saving up, lactose-intolerant, or allergic to chocolate (God forbid), you have every reason to try. ✌

What was your first sip of Cocio Chocolate Milk like? Share mo nalang sa comments section below!!

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And while you're here, why don't you check out my other two reviews?
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Cocio Classic Chocolate Milk
PHP63.25, Merkado Supermarket UP Town Center

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