Monday, April 4, 2016

Moo-Mates Root Beer Milk Review

The human race has gone where no other terrestrial species has gone before. In less than a few hundred years, we've harnessed the power of the sun for electricity, sent a man to the moon, invented pizza. But on a recent supermarket run, I saw Moo-Mates Root Beer Milk. Is this what God intended? Has science gone too far? Find out more about the product and what I think about it after the jump!

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I never thought this day would come, let alone witness this... this... *sobs*. Anyway, I was at the supermarket to go get some milk when this really colorful carton caught my eye. I got it off the shelf to get a closer look and I was seriously taken aback by what I just saw. Who would let their kids drink milk tainted by root beer? *imagines the horror for 2 seconds* After managing to calm myself down, I tried rationalizing the existence of Root Beer Milk. I figured it might taste like root beer float. It should taste like root beer float. The only other thing it could probably taste like is Teletubby milk - that of which I am not adventurous enough to try.

I'm not really a fan of root beer. Or float. Or root beer float. But I'd really like to give this one a try because of two reasons: First, I'd like to show that sneering eagle on the carton than I am, in fact, brave enough to drink this milk; and second, I'd like to get my money's worth off this milk. Sayang naman kasi yung binayad ko kung pangit-lasa, 'diba?

However disastrous the outcome may be, I find it really nice that they put eagle facts and eagle jokes at the back for kids to read - or as consolation once they start regretting the string of decisions that led them to drink this product. Aside from the text, it's a really nice touch that the straw they provided was transparent, giving you a head's-up on what's about to caress (or assault) your taste buds - and general well-being.

As I try to collect all the thoughts that passed through my head as I had my first sip, let me tell you that it did not taste bad. Actually, it tasted really good - surprisingly good. It tasted like root beer that lost its fizz - but it felt like milk, all-in-all like a less viscous root beer float. It felt surreal. I just drank root beer milk. After the video ended, I remembered that I don't like root beer - or root beer float - but I personally believe that the review has gone well.

BTW, I've switched up my product 'grading system' from the Regret-to-Sulit™ Meter to the use of the Regret and Sulit Scales. This shift aims to give a more descriptive rating rather than a numerical one since I figured that it would probably work better that way.

How did Moo-Mates Root Beer Milk fare?

On a scale of NO REGRETS (0) to REGRET PA MORE (10), this product scored 0. No regrets. It tasted surprisingly well - until you remember that you just drank root beer milk and wonder how could anyone come up with this idea.

On a scale of LUGI KA PA (0) to TOTALLY WORTH IT (10), this product scored 4. Pwede na rin. Although it didn't give me buyer's remorse, I wouldn't buy it again simply because there are cheaper (and less weird) alternatives sitting on the supermarket shelves beside it.

I highly recommend that you try out Moo-Mates Root Beer Milk, though. Maybe because of the rush (ano daw?) you feel before the milk hits your tongue, and the mini-victory you experience after realizing that it tastes good. In the end, doing this review made me realize two things: (1) Root beer milk tasted pretty good, and (2) that we should not mess with nature and accidentally come up with another weird milk flavor. ✌

If you haven't read my previous review, click here!
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Moo-Mates Root Beer Milk

PHP32.00, South Supermarket - Los Baños

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