Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Seleco Rolling Bite Mini Review

I bought (and consumed) Seleco Rolling Bite Mini (topped with crispy fish variant) a couple months ago. The reason this post took so long to be posted was because I couldn't find a way to write a decent introduction for a pack of rolled up seaweed. A solution to that problem was using that backstory as a way to supplant my nonexistent introduction. *coughs to distract the readers* Find out more about the product and what I think of it after the jump!

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There are things we see on supermarket shelves that we'd get without second thoughts *casually puts a jar of Stik-o in the cart* Then there are things that we'd like to try but are too weird to spend money on - that is until they go on sale. I've been meaning to try a pack of Seleco Rolling Bite Mini for some time now but I figured that it was too weird a product to spend money on. Luckily, it went 50% off a few weeks later and I immediately jumped at the opportunity to get my hands on a pack.

Holding up a pack of Seleco Rolling Bite Mini feels like a scam, probably because there's a weird mermaid-lady sitting on a seaweed roll, but mostly because the package is almost weightless at 10.2 grams. But as soon as you open the foil packaging, things start to seem legit. A plastic tray keeps 12 seaweed rolls from being crushed and it's also a nifty serving platter when you feel like sharing - which I did. Good boy ako eh 😇. If you get your hands on a pack of Seleco Rolling Bite Mini, I suggest that you use scissors to cut off the top of the foil pack instead of using the tear here tab provided. This makes opening the pack a breeze and saves you all the fuss of a potential mess.

I tried researching the history of Seleco but since I do not even remotely understand Thai, their website is 80% of no use. What I do find in their website, though, is the fact that all Seleco Rolling Bite Mini variants (original, topped with rice crackers, topped with fish) seem like healthy snacks. They also say that all variants are fat-free (the packaging says low-fat, though), have no oil, cholesterol or MSG added, and are sources of fiber, iodine, iron, and protein. Though feeling ko charot-charot lang nila 'yun. But I guess it's relatively healthier than greasy potato chips. Looking at you Lay's® and Ruffles®.

I get a roll of seaweed and take a peek inside. Syempre nandun sa loob yung fish. Pero topped with fish nga daw. Luh naloko ata ako #scam. Of course I tried peering into the tube to see what was inside, and to much surprise (pleasantly surprised lang naman. 'Di ako napasigaw or anything) the inside of the roll was well-coated with the fish topping. Then I take a bite. To no surprise, it was like eating crunchy nori and dilis at the same time. Being a little more specific, it's like eating Japanese furikake. In a word: malansa. Which is perfectly fine since this is seaweed with fish.

As much as I'd love to say that I like Seleco Rolling Bite Mini, I probably won't like it as much as the rest of my family did, having consumed the rest of the pack as I ate a piece for the blog. The product did taste great, but I imagine that anyone (except a seaweed lover) would probably have enough after around three rolls given the saltiness and the lansa factor of  the seaweed snack. Just keep an airtight container handy if you're planning to save the rest for later.

How did Seleco Rolling Bite Mini fare?

On a scale of NO REGRETS (0) to REGRET PA MORE (10), this product scored 0No regrets. On one hand, I felt like I chewed on dried fish. On another, at least masaya naman ako having tried out this product. So I guess the balance struck between the weird pro and con affected much of the decision process.

On a scale of LUGI KA PA (0) to TOTALLY WORTH IT (10), this product scored 5. Kailangan mag-removals. Everything seemed okay. I then remember that I got this at 50% off. That means that I'd have to think as if I bought the product at full price, and in that case I won't. But I just might. Conditional failure 'to guys - a purchase is up to you.

Seleco Rolling Bite Mini is something I'd probably recommend because of how weird it is rather than how it tastes - kasi nga malansa. But you should try it for fun, or with friends para 'di nakakaumay. You shouldn't try this if you have seafood allergies though. ✌

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I'm currently on summer vacation and, quite frankly, running out of ideas. If you have something you'd like me to review, given that it is under a hundred pesos (wala akong baon bes), hit me up on the comments section below!!

Also, an Instagram for the blog is currently in the works so stay tuned. 📷

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And while you're here, why don't you check out my other reviews?

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Seleco Rolling Bite Mini
PHP36.50, Merkado Supermarket, UP Town Center

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