Wednesday, April 13, 2016

OKF Milky Be Happy Review

Most people ask, "why?" Why is the sky blue? Why did the chicken cross the road? Bakit pa ba ako nagtitiis? (luh s'ya) But there are the dreamers, the innovators, the ones that ask "Why not?" Unfortunately, people who think that carbonating milk is a good idea also ask "why not". Find out more about OKF Milky Be Happy and what I think about it after the jump!

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I was on a quick supply run at the supermarket yesterday, and it was incredibly hot out, so I decided to pass by the soda aisle to go check out some drinks. That's how I came face-to-face with death. Charing! Face-to-face with OKF Milky Be Happy. I first heard of milk soda back in high school when a local convenience store started selling cans of Lotte Milkis, a better-known milk soda. I was horrified by the idea of mixing milk with soda. Flash-forward to 2016 and I am still reeling from the initial shock. I gained courage through the years, though, so I picked up a can and proceeded to the checkout counter.

As I pulled out the can of OKF Milky Be Happy from the fridge, I began contemplating my decision of actually trying milk soda out. Ibigay ko nalang kaya sa roommate ko 'to? I asked myself. But then I remembered that somewhere I Korea, a couple of companies decided that the world was ready for milk soda. That makes it seem that I made a relatively sound decision.

I find it very unsettling that they named this product Milky Be Happy. I mean, I get how they named it Milky - to sound like competitor Milkis. But 'Be Happy'? Ano 'to, instruction kung nasuka ka na? That seems super sketchy to me. Then again it might be just some Korean 'English' buzzwords. There's also that weird fairy magic man on the front. Like, how is a WFMM even connected to milk or soda?

A can of milk soda now sits across the table - waiting for me to open it and take a sip. The WFMM confidently crosses his arms on the label as I reach for a can that contains an unholy blend of milk and soda. It opened with a quick hiss and I had a whiff of the escaping gas - smells like Haw Haw, I thought. A few seconds later, I felt the cold rim of the can against my lips. I closed my eyes and took a sip.

Just off the top of my head, I found out that milk soda is more soda than milk. So much so that it actually tasted like 7up with a hint of milk candy. I was so engrossed with remembering the initial sip that I actually forgot if I liked it or not so I took a second sip. Weird. I take a third sip. Then a fourth. That's when I realize that I expected too much that the product would fail. But it didn't. I didn't like it, but fortunately, I didn't hate it either.

How did OKF Milky Be Happy fare?

On a scale of NO REGRETS (0) to REGRET PA MORE (10), this product scored 0. No regrets. Trying milk soda for the first time is very interesting. On one hand you're sure that there's a 95% chance you won't buy this again; on the other, you get to tell people (and yourself) that you have, in fact, tried milk soda.

On a scale of LUGI KA PA (0) to TOTALLY WORTH IT (10), this product scored 2. Breakeven. There are lots of cheaper and better-tasting sodas out there so this product isn't sulit quantity-wise. But experience-wise, this is unforgettable. 20 years from now, a time when people realized that milk soda was a bad idea, you get to tell your kids that you have partaken of the mythical carbonated milk. +10 Legendary Lolo Points to future me!!

Lots can be said about OKF Milky Be Happy and I can't guarantee if you'll like it or not. But I guess it's best if you give it a try yourself. If you like it, good for you! If you don't, or almost die in the process, remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Have you tried OKF Milky Be Happy (or any milk soda) before? Share your experience at the comments section below!!
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Also while you're at it, why don't you read my other reviews?

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OKF Milky Be Happy
PHP28.25, Merkado Supermarket, UP Town Center

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